Τρίτη 27 Ιουλίου 2010

Motivating Reluctant Students I : Building a sense of belonging

Organize School Open Days: Becoming an inclusive school community

The following activity is part of a theachers' training unit. It was developed within the framework of  the 9 month programme "Education for Democratic Citizenship Core Competences for Teachers" organized by the "Pestalozzi Programme" Council of Europe.
General aim:
 Teachers, parents and students come together and decide upon common goals and actions.

Specific aims:
 To decide upon common goals. What can all members do together?
 To predict possible barriers and take prevention measures.
 To take risks.
 To deal with conflict.

Methods/techniques used:
 Group work
 Decision making
 Within groups and inter-groups discussions
 Long paper (30x80cm approx)and coloured markers for every group

Practical arrangements:
 Trainees work in groups.
 Trainees work in groups and decide upon the structure and the process of an open school day programme.
 Members of the groups assume different roles: teachers, students, parents.
 Different sides use criteria (importance, necessity, feasibility etc) to construct their own agenda (goals, priorities, i.e. “school safety”).
 Different agendas are put forth, discussed and revised. Revisions are based on criteria.
 Community members decide upon priorities of the common action plan and a timetable on a year basis.
 Each side is assigned a different action towards common goals.

Tips to trainers/anticipated difficulties:
 Be aware of conflicts over contradicting goals.
 Concentrate on criteria according to which decisions are made.

Discuss with participants the following questions:
 It was a good idea to come together and construct a common action plan?
 What are the challenges of this common plan for individuals, classes and whole school?
 What are the benefits for individuals, classes and the whole school from becoming a democratic school community?

 What else should be done to encourage community-building? Why?
 Who else could help?